Are you looking for a new activity for yourself, your children, or your entire family? Scouting is for everyone and is an excellent way to become more familiar with Norway.

As a scout you will get new friends, join meetings, go camping, go on hikes and have fun with others. You have the opportunity to try new things, are encouraged to take on new and greater responsibilities, learn to cooperate and gain lifelong experiences.

Do you want to join scouting or do you have any questions? 

Find your nearest local scout group on our map and get in touch today! You can also contact us directly, and we will help you find your local group.

Contact information

The YWCA-YMCA Guides and Scouts of Norway
Postbox 6810, St. Olavs plass
N-0130 Oslo

Phone: (+47) 22 99 15 50

Scouting for adults

Are you 17 years or older and interested in joining scouting? It's not too late! Being an adult scout is just as fun as being a younger one. As an adult scout, you will learn new skills, experience personal growth, make new friends, and become part of a global community.

Join scouting as a volunteer or a leader—you will learn everything you need along the way. Find your closest local scout group in our map and get in touch now! You can also contact us directly, and we will help you in find your local group.

Membership fee

There are som differences in membership fees among the various groups. Each group sets its own membership fee in addition to the fee that goes to the association (575 NOK in 2024). Usually, the total fee is between 700 amd 1000 NOK per year. We also practice family discount if more than one family member joins our association. 

Additional fees may apply for hikes and camps. It is possible to apply for financial support to attend our events. Ask your local group or contact the office for advice. Scouts that join our association after August 1st automatically receive a 50% discount on the membership fee for that year.

Want to know more about the YWCA-YMCA Guides and Scouts of Norway? Read here.

Visit our scout centre

Would you want to visit Norway? You can rent our scout centre. Nordtangen, located 70 kilometers north of Oslo, is an idyllic and charming place ideal for camping and outdoor activities.