Bevegelsessang: Funky chicken
- Familiespeidere (0-6 år),
- Oppdagere (6-7 år),
- Stifinnere (8-9 år),
- Vandrere (10-15 år),
- Rovere (16-25 år)
- Kort (0-30 min)
- Lek,
- Sang og sketsj
Her finner du en bevegelsessangen Funky chicken. En person leder an, det må ikke være en speiderleder, og resten svarer.
Leder: 1-2-3-4
Alle: 5-6-7-8
L: Let me see your funky chicken
A: What did you say?
L: I said let me see your funky chicken!
A: Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken *BAAK* Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken
L: 1-2-3-4
A: 5-6-7-8
L: Let me see your shoot the moon
A: What did you say?
L: I said let me see your shoot the moon!
Alle: Shoot the moon, shoot shoot the moon *PANG* Shoot the moon, shoot shoot the moon
Alle: Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken *BAAK* Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken
L: 1-2-3-4
A: 5-6-7-8
L: Let me see your Micheal Jordan
A: What did you say?
L: I said let me see your Micheal Jordan!
A: Michael Jordan, Micmichael Jordan *WOO* Michael Jordan, Micmichael Jordan
Shoot the moon, shoot shoot the moon *PANG* Shoot the moon, shoot shoot the moon
Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken *BAAK* Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken
L: 1-2-3-4
A: 5-6-7-8
L: Let me see your Frankenstein
A: What did you say?
L: I said let me see your Frankenstein!
Alle: Frankenstein, frankfrankenstein *VÆÆ* Frankenstein, frankfrankenstein
Alle: Michael Jordan, Micmichael Jordan *WOO* Michael Jordan, Micmichael Jordan
Alle: Shoot the moon, shootshoot the moon *PANG* Shoot the moon, shootshoot the moon
Alle: Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken *BAAK* Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken
L: 1-2-3-4
A: 5-6-7-8
L: Let me see your baby face
A: What did you say?
L: I said lait me see your baby face!
A: Baby face, bababy face *CRY* Baby face, bababy face
Alle: Frankenstein, frankfrankenstein *VÆÆ* Frankenstein, frankfrankenstein
Alle: Michael Jordan, Micmichael Jordan *WOO* Michael Jordan, Micmichael Jordan
Alle: Shoot the moon, shootshoot the moon *PANG* Shoot the moon, shootshoot the moon
Alle: Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken *BAAK* Funky chicken, funkfunky chicken